Thursday, September 27, 2012

Atoka, Memphis, Gilt Edge, Randolph...all in one day! was not like most others. In fact it had a lot of randomness to it. My boys were both up at 4:45 wth this morning...random. Brian took Carter to preschool like always. Caleb and I were supposed to be going to Sam's, which we did, but I mean the mall is right there and so I just swung right on in and accidentally spent a couple hundred at Macy's and picked up some "supplies" I really needed...random!! Next, pick up Carter from preschool (btw...Aubree is out of town with her dad, she's still around) and he wanted to go see the Mississippi "Wiver" and told me we had to go to Aunt La's house to see it. Oh poor boy thought the river only ran through downtown Memphis. Time for a geograpy lesson and your first trip to the bottoms....random! So, off to Randolph we go. He got to see the river but we didn't get out because there were some creepers lurking in the parking lot at Richardson Landing. I enjoyed the ride out in the country with the boys and enjoyed showing Carter where my grandparents lived when I was growing up and where they went to church. He was excited to see it all. Not much has changed out that way...which I think is just fine and dandy! Way to keep it real Gilt Edge, TN!

 This is New Salem Methodist in Gilt Edge, TN. My grandparents went to church here. Lots of memories behind those brick walls!
Carter was checking on the cotton.
I have got to make a post about my boys and their milestones for 1 and 4! See...I plan to have all my posts for 2012 printed into a book for us. Isn't technology wonderful? 

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