Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Plans for 2014, TM2, and Polar Vortex

Is that the most random title ever? I've been meaning to post plans for 2014. I don't say resolutions just because and I no longer say goals after last year because I want to beat myself up when I don't meet them. Type A personality here! So I'll say plans because plans mean you have good intentions and sometimes they just change. Yeah...uh-huh.

This year I plan on...
•stopping cussing like a sailor. It's bad, y'all. Really, really bad.
•going to church on Sundays no matter how tired I am not because I think it's a requirement to get into Heaven but it makes me feel good and it's time for me and the man upstairs.
•running several 5Ks/10ks and MAYBE a half (OMG...she's crazy) 
•taking Aubree to Chicago to meet our family there. Maybe my mother can come with us and we'll have a girls trip. 
•going to NYC no matter what!! Brian will not go so I'm planning on this being a girls trip
•taking a family trip to Disney World for the boys birthdays in September.
•winning the lottery so I can take all of these trips...geeze
•getting things more organized around here
•blogging more

There's more but I've already forgotten. Ha! That's Lindsey for ya! Note I didn't say eating healthier because that's just not going to happen for me. I have tried! Today I had coffee, bacon, eggs, biscuits, water, pizza, Hershey kisses x 2, Stacey's Pita Chips (that's healthy'ish), more coffee, Chicken Alfredo, 2 pieces of bread, water, and 4 chocolate chip cookies and I'm hungry. That's just who I am. I know it's not good for me but I'm picky. Sorry I'm not sorry at all! I'm happy for those that choose to eat better than me. And no...I don't allow my kids to eat this crap food like me. Don't judge. 

Now onto TM2. I had NO idea these hot messes were coming back! I watched the review thing tonight and I had forgotten a lot. I still feel bad for Chelsea and I'm still concerned about Leah's grill. Jenelle...Lord help. I saw some things on the season preview that made me for real shake my head with disgust. Kailyn...if you have read my posts in the past you know I pretty much mentally shut down when they do her stories. Ugh. Maybe I should add that to my attention to Kailyn. Hmmmm. So, I'm excited that this is coming back into my Tuesday night life but so is Dance Moms...yet another guilty pleasure of mine. I should really be ashamed to watch Big Abby yell and scream at those kids and the mothers fighting...ha...but it's like a bad car just have to look. 

Moving along...I hope everyone survived the Polar Vortex! Us Southerners barely did! I don't ever remember subzero wind chills here. I wore 2 pair of pants and 3 shirts to work the other night. Btw...if you wear fleece leggings under scrub pants lint and fuzz will stick to your rear all night. Anyways, we were all good over here. We never lost power like some due to excessive amounts of energy being used. I hope it doesn't get that cold again but I saw a nasty forecast for late next week. We shall see! 
This little guy wanted to snuggle around 4AM  when it was -10 with all his static electricity in his hair. Cutie!

What's been going on with everyone? What are your plans for 2014? Ready for TM2? Did you get cold during the Polar Vortex? 


  1. holy crap! I had no idea TM2 was coming back!!! please please please, for the love of everything, remind me when it comes on so that I don't forget to record it. TM2 is just what I need in my life right now. :)

  2. •going to NYC no matter what!! Brian will not go so I'm planning on this being a girls trip


  3. I cuss like a sailor too and keep telling myself to watch my f&%$ing mouth.... yep.

    I'm over the cold, is it spring yet?

    Good list:)

  4. its a tropical heat wave up hurr in west central MN....currently 9 above and feels like -8! sweatshirt weather!

  5. Oh my goodness we need another watch party night of TM2. I thought they were off the air for good now but I saw the commercial the other day and nearly squealed, haha. Jeremy thinks I'm nuts. Jenelle is even more messed up than that show. She's already been married, husband in jail, in "love" with someone else and supposedly pregnant twice since those were taped. Oh hot messes, I've missed them. Anywhoooo, sign me up for an NYC girls trip! My fav city and i've only been there once, lol.

  6. Just cold here. So we fired up the chicken and ritz and had a feast! I did not know TM2 was back on I must reset it to my DVR dang it!

  7. Same here. I can't make "resolutions" because then I feel bad when I don't keep them. I'd rather just hope and try to do things, and, if they happen, then I can be pleasantly surprised =) haha

  8. My thoughts exactly...

  9. I could totally say shit less.

    Not that you DO follow my blog (girl, you better!! LOL) , but if you did (Stewart Street) then you will need to refollow. Google screwed up my renewal and it basically became impossible for me to keep without purchasing for $ my new blog address is and you can follow on Bloglovin here.

    Happy Almost Friday!

  10. I want to go on all your trips. Those are on my list as well. We are planning Disney for October/November. TM2 and Dance Moms are a fave for me as well. I have been counting down the days for TM2. I cannot help myself, no real drama in my life so I can't miss theirs!

  11. Jason tells me I have the mouth of a trucker. Saying fuck just sometimes makes things feel better. However, when your 2 year old sees the Christmas lights outside and excitedly yells, "fuck dammit, fuck dammit!!! Christmas lights!!!", it means the swearing needs to get cut out. So, last year I tried to watch it, and I haven't heard him say it since! Lol!!

    And New York, make sure you keep me in the loop with your plans!!

  12. What an adorable little guy!
